Lucia (40) is a wilful nurse, risen up from a simple environment, who raises suspicion with her colleagues and superiors when shes once again present at an inexplicable death. The more the ambitious Assistant District Attorney Judith (32) learns about this, as it turns out, ex-prostitute, the more shes disgusted by this woman who murders mortally ill seniors and babies. The newspapers are full of it. The District Attorney gives Judith the freedom to lead the investigation into this Angel of Death. She is finally assigned the case that could get her promoted: the case of Lucia de B. As assistant to the District Attorney Judith puts her all into an exhausting investigation. The verdict is gripping. Lucia is sentenced to life for four murders and three attempted murders. Judith enjoys the victory, because this will surely lead to her promotion to District Attorney. But then doubt hits her.
Movie details Lucia de B.
Release : 2014-03-27Genre : Drama, Thriller
Runtime :
Company :
Ariane Schluter | as | Lucia de Berk | |
Fedja van Hut | as | ||
Barry Atsma | as | ||
Amanda Ooms | as | ||
Marwan Kenzari | as | ||
Annet Malherbe | as | ||
Sallie Harmsen | as |
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Zaak-Lucia de Berk - Wikipedia
Lucia Isabella Quirina de Berk (Den Haag , 22 september 1961), in de Nederlandse media voorheen aangeduid als Lucia de B. , is een Nederlandse verpleegkundige die ...
Lucia Isabella Quirina de Berk (Den Haag , 22 september 1961), in de Nederlandse media voorheen aangeduid als Lucia de B. , is een Nederlandse verpleegkundige die ...
St. Lucia Wikipedia
Dieser Artikel behandelt den Kleinstaat St. Lucia in der Karibik, zu weiteren Bedeutungen siehe Santa Lucia.
Dieser Artikel behandelt den Kleinstaat St. Lucia in der Karibik, zu weiteren Bedeutungen siehe Santa Lucia.
Paco de Luca - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paco de Luca (born Francisco Snchez Gmez on 21 December 1947) is a Spanish flamenco guitarist, composer and producer. A leading proponent of the New Flamenco ...
Paco de Luca (born Francisco Snchez Gmez on 21 December 1947) is a Spanish flamenco guitarist, composer and producer. A leading proponent of the New Flamenco ...
Santa Luzia (Minas Gerais) Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre
Santa Luzia um municpio brasileiro do estado de Minas Gerais , pertencente Regio Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte . Localiza-se a 1946'11"de latitude sul e ...
Santa Luzia um municpio brasileiro do estado de Minas Gerais , pertencente Regio Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte . Localiza-se a 1946'11"de latitude sul e ...
Lucia di Lammermoor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lucia di Lammermoor is a dramma tragico (tragic opera) in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti. Salvadore Cammarano wrote the Italian language libretto loosely based upon ...
Lucia di Lammermoor is a dramma tragico (tragic opera) in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti. Salvadore Cammarano wrote the Italian language libretto loosely based upon ...
Pelcula ertica Los pecados de la hermana Luca | 1978 ...
The sins of sister Lucia, de Koyu Ohara, con: Yuki Nohira, Rei Okamoto, Rumi Tama, Tamaki Katsura, Japn, 1978... Bajar gratis con el eMule.
The sins of sister Lucia, de Koyu Ohara, con: Yuki Nohira, Rei Okamoto, Rumi Tama, Tamaki Katsura, Japn, 1978... Bajar gratis con el eMule.
Vera Fischer Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre
Vera Lcia Fischer (Blumenau, 27 de novembro de 1951 uma atriz brasileira. Uma das mais famosas atrizes do pas, Vera foi Miss Brasil 1969, ttulo que lhe deu ...
Vera Lcia Fischer (Blumenau, 27 de novembro de 1951 uma atriz brasileira. Uma das mais famosas atrizes do pas, Vera foi Miss Brasil 1969, ttulo que lhe deu ...
Las Cosas de Paula el armario de lucia
PARA VER LOS PRECIOS DE: EL ARMARIO DE LUCIA PINCHAR AQUI Y claro todos no se pueden pero es que cuesta tanto elegir Bueno princesas pues hoy os pido ayuda ...
PARA VER LOS PRECIOS DE: EL ARMARIO DE LUCIA PINCHAR AQUI Y claro todos no se pueden pero es que cuesta tanto elegir Bueno princesas pues hoy os pido ayuda ...
Santa Luzia Online - O blog do Rei
A FPF [Federao Paraense de Futebol], divulgou na noite da ltima segunda-feira, 16, a tabela completa do Parazo 2014 com jogos do primeiro e segundo turno ...
A FPF [Federao Paraense de Futebol], divulgou na noite da ltima segunda-feira, 16, a tabela completa do Parazo 2014 com jogos do primeiro e segundo turno ...
CBN - Lucia Hippolito
No debate com "As menias do J",a jornalista falou sobre o tratamento da sndrome de Guillain-Barr, diagnosticada durante frias em Paris.
No debate com "As menias do J",a jornalista falou sobre o tratamento da sndrome de Guillain-Barr, diagnosticada durante frias em Paris.
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