Small Town full of Mystery, People who find their way under the ground, people who are awake at night. People that fly in the form of black bird, though beautiful and Innocent. Neighbors and visitors of the town are considered as a captive and a food
Movie details Aswang
Release : 2011-11-02Genre :
Runtime :
Company :
Lovi Poe | as | Yasmin | |
Paulo Avelino | as | Daniel |
Search Result :
Aswang Wikipedia
Ein Aswang (oder Asuwang) ist ein Ghul , ein leichenfressendes Wesen, der philippinischen Mythologie . In anderen Gebieten ist der Aswang eine vampirhnliche Kreatur ...
Ein Aswang (oder Asuwang) ist ein Ghul , ein leichenfressendes Wesen, der philippinischen Mythologie . In anderen Gebieten ist der Aswang eine vampirhnliche Kreatur ...
High Banks Entertainment Ltd., Canada, Bangkok Girl, Aswang
High Banks Entertainment Ltd. High Banks Entertainment Ltd. is a Canadian independent production company located in Victoria, British Columbia.
High Banks Entertainment Ltd. High Banks Entertainment Ltd. is a Canadian independent production company located in Victoria, British Columbia.
Aswang (1994) - Wrye Martin, Barry Poltermann / Sense of View ...
Review von Aswang (Aswang - USA 1994) - Wrye Martin, Barry Poltermann
Review von Aswang (Aswang - USA 1994) - Wrye Martin, Barry Poltermann
The home of AsWing framework. ... iiley October 21st, 2011. Machine 22 will release a new MMO named Star Corsairs in near future which UI based on AsWing.
The home of AsWing framework. ... iiley October 21st, 2011. Machine 22 will release a new MMO named Star Corsairs in near future which UI based on AsWing.
The official website for The Aswang Phenomenon. The only complete documentary regarding the aswang, brought to you by High Banks Entertainment Ltd. located in ...
The official website for The Aswang Phenomenon. The only complete documentary regarding the aswang, brought to you by High Banks Entertainment Ltd. located in ...
Aswang (1994) - IMDb
Directed by Wrye Martin, Barry Poltermann. With Norman Moses, Tina Ona Paukstelis, John Kishline, Flora Coker. A young, unwed, pregnant girl is made an offer she can ...
Directed by Wrye Martin, Barry Poltermann. With Norman Moses, Tina Ona Paukstelis, John Kishline, Flora Coker. A young, unwed, pregnant girl is made an offer she can ...
Aswang | Facebook
ASWANG is a remake of the Alma Moreno starrer with the same title under the direction of Peque Gallaga and Lore Reyes. Since the original film was done twenty years ...
ASWANG is a remake of the Alma Moreno starrer with the same title under the direction of Peque Gallaga and Lore Reyes. Since the original film was done twenty years ... - 4seasons of adventure
24th September Jen and Marty drove me to the Napier Airport, or actually next to it. Its hard to leave a place where you made new friends like that.
24th September Jen and Marty drove me to the Napier Airport, or actually next to it. Its hard to leave a place where you made new friends like that.
Aswang die Schnheit mit der rhrenfrmigen Zunge ...
Eine Aswang ist ein philippinischer Dmon, der mit seiner rhrenfrmigen Zunge das Blut aus seinen Opfern heraussaugt.
Eine Aswang ist ein philippinischer Dmon, der mit seiner rhrenfrmigen Zunge das Blut aus seinen Opfern heraussaugt.
Aswang - Das Ultimative Bse (DVD uncut) [01538-00100] - ... Aswang - Das Ultimative Bse (DVD uncut) [01538-00100] - Genre: Horror! Es schien perfekt: Katrina (T. O. Paukstelis) kann aus ihrer ungewollten ... Aswang - Das Ultimative Bse (DVD uncut) [01538-00100] - Genre: Horror! Es schien perfekt: Katrina (T. O. Paukstelis) kann aus ihrer ungewollten ...
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