Dough-crazed mercenaries Sammy and Klaus are on a mission to escort the seriously ill prime minister of a South American country that has just been taken over by the rebels to his buddies over the border. Chased by the rebels, and with the politician's health rapidly deteriorating, they stumble onto an infirmary staffed by a quartet of nurses and take them hostage, forcing them to cure the prime minister, and fast. After an initial rape, romantic feelings begin to emerge as Helga has it off with Klaus, Katrin with Sammy, and Sophie with Hellen...until a squadron of rebels drops in.
Dough-crazed mercenaries Sammy and Klaus are on a mission to escort the seriously ill prime minister of a South American country that has just been taken over by the rebels to his buddies over the border. Chased by the rebels, and with the politician's health rapidly deteriorating, they stumble onto an infirmary staffed by a quartet of nurses and take them hostage, forcing them to cure the prime minister, and fast. After an initial rape, romantic feelings begin to emerge as Helga has it off with Klaus, Katrin with Sammy, and Sophie with Hellen...until a squadron of rebels drops in.
Movie details Il Diavolo Nella Carne
Release :Genre :
Runtime : 84 minutes
Company :
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Il diavolo nella carne (1991) - IMDb
Dough-crazed mercenaries Sammy and Klaus are on a mission to escort the seriously ill prime minister of a South American country that has just been taken over by the ...
Dough-crazed mercenaries Sammy and Klaus are on a mission to escort the seriously ill prime minister of a South American country that has just been taken over by the ...
La carne, la morte e il diavolo nella letteratura romantica ...
La carne, la morte e il diavolo nella letteratura romantica (1930) il saggio di critica letteraria pi famoso dell' anglista italiano Mario Praz . In quest'opera ...
La carne, la morte e il diavolo nella letteratura romantica (1930) il saggio di critica letteraria pi famoso dell' anglista italiano Mario Praz . In quest'opera ...
Il diavolo nella cattedrale (Schtzing) - Wikipedia
Il diavolo nella cattedrale il primo romanzo di Frank Schtzing, scritto nel 1995, tradotto da Emanuela Cervini. In Italia stato pubblicato solo nel 2006, dopo ...
Il diavolo nella cattedrale il primo romanzo di Frank Schtzing, scritto nel 1995, tradotto da Emanuela Cervini. In Italia stato pubblicato solo nel 2006, dopo ...
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The first success of the Divine Greta Garbo, soundtrack by Radiodervish.
The first success of the Divine Greta Garbo, soundtrack by Radiodervish.
Il Diavolo
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Ciao Italia !
Tanto e tanto tempo fa quando luomo non era stato ancora creato, Dio, dopo aver creato gli animali, decise di dare ad ognuno un compito allinterno del Creato ...
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Per aiutarci DONAZIONI C/C postale 20479481 - oppure - IBAN IT15I 05387 36960 000000828442 - oppure - IBAN IT83P 07072 37130 007000064217 Intestate a: Il Rifugio del ...
Per aiutarci DONAZIONI C/C postale 20479481 - oppure - IBAN IT15I 05387 36960 000000828442 - oppure - IBAN IT83P 07072 37130 007000064217 Intestate a: Il Rifugio del ...
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